Alaskan Bull Moose. The largest of the deer family. 1500 pounds, taller than a wild horse. Moreover, it carries hundreds of pounds of massive and deadly antlers. The Alaskan Bull Moose has a kick strong enough to kill a grizzly bear. All with a matching bad attitude. Consequently, the Alaskan Moose is tragically responsible for more serious injury and death, of humans, than all of the great bears.
Alaska is intimidating. Hunting the largest land animal in Alaska can be both terrifying and unforgettable. Success factors of a hunt include but are not limited to:
- Skill
- Luck
- Divine Providence
Hunting Alaskan Bull Moose is one of the most challenging and thrilling hunts in Alaska. As a result, the moose is the largest land animal in Alaska despite the ability to disappear like a ghost. The heavy moose hide is a blend of black, brown, gray, and white. blends in perfectly with the withering golden brown grasses, willows and alders, of the Autumn season. The massive antlers blend in perfectly with the endless dead trees and branches on the massive and unspoiled wild Alaskan landscape.
The Legendary Alaskan Bull Moose
This Alaskan Bull Moose checked in at roughy 57 inches, as measured by the local ADF&G officials. Absolutely legally taken in a relatively crowded recreation area of Alaska. The area is in close proximity to populated areas, with easy road access. Furthermore, is heavily hunted and popular among off road and ATV riders. Locals say this size of a bull is rare. Even so, he was with a herd of 6 moose. 3 cows and 3 bulls. One immature bull and one other bull that appeared to be the largest of all of them but was not accessible.
Our Unforgettable Memory
It is not about the bull. Alaskan Bull Moose hunting can be an intense experience. Brutal weather conditions. Freezing and painfully cold hands and feet. Endless hours of watching and waiting. The minutes and hours click by in painfully slow motion. Days of mind numbing boredom contrasted by minutes of adrenaline pumped focus then terrific cheers of success.
In conclusion, we will explore each of the elements of a successful Alaskan Bull Moose hunt. Firstly, research process, secondly, the prep., the reality of time and patience, along with many posts regarding what works and what does not for surviving and hunting in the extreme Alaskan environment. Much more to come about us and how we hunt, harvest, homestead, and adventure our way through The Great Land.